The Little Red Preschool is a state licensed and nationally accredited center. State licensing regulations are posted in each parent information area for your review. We accord equal treatment and services without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, political persuasion, handicap or national origin. We are licensed to provide programs for children ages 2 to 11. We provide a wide range of programs to meet your family’s needs: half-day preschool, full-day preschool, before and after school care for elementary school children and summer school programs. It is expected that children have started the toilet training process before enrollment, (pull-ups are acceptable). As a state licensed center we follow all mandated guidelines: eg. child-teacher ratios, health/safety, the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect, etc.
The following forms are required as part of your child’s registration:
- Signed Little Red Child Enrollment Contract
- Contract Questionnaire
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form
Additional forms are required prior to your child’s first day at Little Red Preschool:
- Child Profile Form
- Signed State Child Enrollment form
- Heath History & Emergency Care Plan
- Photograph Permission Form
- Immunization Record
- Electronic Emergency Information (Complete on Website)
- Signed Child Health Report/Physical
- Health Insurance Form
- Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement
- Intent to Attend
(All forms are required by the time of your child’s first day at Little Red Preschool)
All enrollments are considered to be on an initial two-week trial basis. After the two-week trial, subsequent decisions by school or parents to discontinue enrollment require a two-week written notice. Parents are responsible for tuition during this period. Little Red Preschool reserves the right to discontinue a child’s enrollment, without two-week’s notice, if its is determined by the school’s administrator and/or director that the child’s continued enrollment would put the child or others at risk or if the child’s needs cannot be reasonably met within our regular programs. Parents will be fully involved and informed if any such action is considered necessary. The $50.00 per- contract and per-child registration fee is nonrefundable. If disenrollment is initiated by Little Red Preschool a prorated refund of the semester activity fee, (and snack fee for school age students), will be given. Please inform our administrator/director if there are special circumstances or needs for your child so that we can better help your child have a happy and successful experience at LRP.
We work hard to earn your trust and approval. Please feel free to share questions and concerns with your child’s teachers, school director and school administrator. If you are not fully satisfied with our responses to your concerns, we encourage you to contact the Department of Children and Families.